European SharePoint Conference 2011
I’m pleased to announce I have been chosen as a speaker in the European SharePoint Conference 2011, which will take place in Berlin, 17th – 20th October 2011.
I’ll be delivering 3 sessions, two on Wednesday and one on Thursday, as described below.
W18 – Using BCS to Integrate Azure Services with SharePoint 2010
The new Business Connectivity Services (BCS) offer a simple and elegant way of integration SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010 with virtually any business data source. All the business integration features introduced in SharePoint 2007 with Business Data Catalog (BDC) were significantly improved in this new version. In this session we'll talk about the main concepts and the type of solutions that can be developed using BCS, and we'll show how to integrate Azure Services with SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010 using BCS, Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint Designer 2010.
W26 – Federated Authentication in SharePoint 2010
SharePoint 2010 introduces a new claims-based authentication model which leverages the power and flexibility of the new Windows Identity Foundation. In this session we will show how to use Windows Azure Access Control Services to allow a user to authenticate in SharePoint using a web identity such as Facebook or Google account.
Th28 – SharePoint + Azure = Better Together
Microsoft has a large range of technologies that, when combined, can yield fantastic results with surprisingly little effort. What happens when you mix SharePoint 2010, BizTalk 2010, Windows Azure and Microsoft Pivot? You get a fantastic interface to analyze large amounts of visual data which can be store in SharePoint 2010 and manipulated in the cloud. In this session we'll show the concepts behind this kind of integration and how you can build such a scenario.
Note, however, that the conference program is still subject to change. Check the full program at
I look forward to seeing you there!