TWIL: February 6, 2022

Three more podcasts from the usual suspects, several articles on API Management, Kong API Gateway and the CNCF technology landscape, and an article on the Feynman learning technique make up the bulk of the things I learned this week. I hope you find them useful.


.NET Rocks

Episode 1779: Twenty Years of .NET with Miguel de Icaza
Twenty years of .NET! Carl and Richard talk to Miguel de Icaza about his experiences working with .NET, going all the way back to 2001 with the announcement of the Mono Project. Miguel talks about those early days of Mono, creating MonoTouch to make C# run on iOS, Xamarin, and more! The conversation also dives into the evolution of open source, and the impact that tech companies have on open source projects, and what the future might hold for open source maintainers.

The Azure Podcast

Episode 410: Fusion Dev
Rita and Linda speak with the team about what Fusion Dev is, how we can empower more developers, and how professional developers can leverage the Power Platform to make their lives easier.


Episode 826: Rachel Lim on Fine Tuning OpenAI
OpenAI has the ability to create custom versions of GPT-3 tailored for a developer’s application. Developers can use these fine-tuned iterations of GPT-3 subsets to efficiently produce results specific to their workloads with a single command. Scott talks to Rachel Lim from OpenAI about how these large language models work, what they are useful for, and why tuning them is so important!

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Overview of Amazon Web Services
In 2006, Amazon Web Services (AWS) began offering IT infrastructure services to businesses as web services—now commonly known as cloud computing. One of the key benefits of cloud computing is the opportunity to replace upfront capital infrastructure expenses with low variable costs that scale with your business. With the cloud, businesses no longer need to plan for and procure servers and other IT infrastructure weeks or months in advance. Instead, they can instantly spin up hundreds or thousands of servers in minutes and deliver results faster. Today, AWS provides a highly reliable, scalable, low-cost infrastructure platform in the cloud that powers hundreds of thousands of businesses in 190 countries around the world.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)

CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape
The CNCF Cloud Native Landscape Project is intended as a map through the previously uncharted terrain of cloud native technologies. This attempts to categorize most of the projects and product offerings in the cloud native space. There are many routes to deploying a cloud native application, with CNCF Projects representing a particularly well-traveled path. It has been built in collaboration with Redpoint Ventures and Amplify Partners.

Build CNCF projects by using Azure Kubernetes Service
This article shows how to conceptualize, architect, build, and deploy an application that uses projects from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) after you deploy Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). The architecture describes the CNCF Projects App on GitHub. The setup instructions in the repo provide steps for deploying the architecture.

API Management

Maintainability in the Face of API Complexity
An API gateway is a component that routes traffic to the backend and decouples clients from API contracts. It encapsulates a complex application architecture by fronting it with a cohesive API interface. Beyond encapsulation and reverse proxying, they may also offload cross-cutting concerns from individual services, such as authentication, rate limiting, and request logging.

The API Landscape
A comprehensive view of all stakeholders creating the programmable economy. From API Lifecycle Platforms, which include API Management/Gateway solutions, API Design/Documentation Platforms, API Developer Portals and API Analytics/Monitoring, to Backend Building Tools, API-as-a-Product, Integration Platform-as-a-Service and Vertical API Abstractions.

Kong API Gateway

Kong Gateway Tutorial: Running With a GUI in <15 Minutes
This 15-minute tutorial explains why an API Gateway is useful in a microservices architecture and demonstrates how to download and install Kong Gateway. It also shows how to add a service and corresponding route, as well as use the key authentication and proxy cache plugins.

How OAuth2 Authorization Works: Kong API Gateway 4 Step Tutorial
In this tutorial, the author walks through adding OAuth2 authorization and authentication to a service with the Kong API Gateway OAuth2 plugin.

Kong: OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Kong API Gateway official documentation on how to setup the OAuth2 plugin and how each Oauth 2.0 flow works.

Kong: OAuth 2.0 Introspection
Validate access tokens sent by developers using a third-party OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server, by leveraging its Introspection Endpoint (RFC 7662). This plugin assumes that the Consumer already has an access token that will be validated against a third-party OAuth 2.0 server. Requires Plus Subscription (Konnect Cloud).

Konnect Pricing
Official documentation page about Konnect pricing tiers and features.

Quantum Computing

Explore Quantum Hardware for Free with Azure Quantum
If you’ve been curious about exploring quantum hardware, get started for free today with Azure Quantum! Whether you already use Azure Quantum, or are trying it for the first time, you can now enjoy $500 in credits to experiment with each of our participating quantum hardware partners. You get access today to IonQ’s QPU (as well as their free Simulator) and Quantinuum’s H1 QPU and Emulator featuring realistic H1 noise models, with more partners like QCI and Rigetti coming soon.

Fusion Development

An Illustrated Guide to Fusion Development
If you’ve attended any flagship Microsoft event, you’ve likely heard CEO Satya Nadella talk about Tech Intensity and the importance of Fusion teams for digital transformation at scale. But what do those words mean? And how does this relate to concepts like low-code development and related technologies like Power Platform?

Cool Stuff

The Feynman Technique: How to Learn Anything
Curiosity and inspiration are perishable—they must be acted upon when they strike. But unfortunately, despite its importance to your career and life, learning is not a skill we’re ever explicitly taught how to approach. The Feynman Technique is a beautiful, intuitive framework for learning literally anything. The process in a nutshell: identify a topic, research it deeply, attempt to explain it to a child, and then study to fill in the gaps.

Daily challenge where you have 6 chances to guess a 5-letter word by providing alternative 5-letter words.

Have an awesome week!

Photo by C Dustin on Unsplash